Thursday, January 22, 2015

Novel Soundtrack

Do you ever just sit at your computer when you're supposed to be writing and daydream about your story in movie form? Ever hear a song that sounded like it was written for one of your characters? I can personally say that I do this all the time -- and totally nerd out over it.

I'm going to be camping out on the subject of characters for a while because they are such a vital part of your story. While we are on the subject of developing characters, I would like to point out another method that will help you, as the writer, get to know your characters. And that is making a soundtrack for your book. This might sound a little odd, but it is actually very helpful. Music, in my mind is a very powerful thing. A lot of times listening to it cures writers' block for me.

Now I suggest that we use music as an inspirational tool as well as a way to really flesh out our characters.

Just think about your characters and your story while you're listening to music. Or even better, listen to it while you're writing. The stronger emotions that you have while writing will create stronger scenes and inspire a stronger reaction from your readers. And I think that music is one of the things that will stir up these emotions inside you.

For example, this song (Monster by Imagine Dragons) reminds me of Shale from my book. I listen to this sometimes when I need to write something from his point of view:

Another example is Battle Cry -- also by Imagine Dragons -- which reminds me of my antagonist, Othnor:
If you think about it, these can give you a pretty good look at what's going inside these peoples' heads, right? I added stuff to my characters after listening to certain songs, and they made them more interesting.
Besides finding songs that remind you of your characters, you can find some that remind you of different scenes. Doing that has also provided me personally with a lot of inspiration. I found it helpful to listen to Not Gonna Die by Skillet when writing my climax:
Of course, finding songs for your characters isn't necessary for their development. That's not what I'm saying. But it certainly can be helpful, and I don't think you will be sorry if you take the time to do it.
Do you have any songs that remind you of your story? Comment below!

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