Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Introduction To Me

Well, I guess I should start with my name. I'm Alex Rushmer, the aspiring writer. For as long as I can remember, my dad has been reading to me, from Summer of the Monkeys to the Harry Potter series. And I always wondered what it would be like to be J.K. Rowling, with people all over the world reading my stories. But that seemed like a pretty lofty dream.

Some of the first stories I ever wrote were about princesses and demigods, and I experience something that must be a combination of nostalgia and horror when I read over the copies that still exist. I didn't start getting serious about writing until I was about twelve years old. And even then, it was -- well -- what you would expect of a twelve-year-old.

However, the story that I started then, I just recently finished at the age of fifteen.

Now I'm not going to claim to be a professional writer or some sort of genius, because I'm just a "snot-nosed" (as my grandpa would say) freshman in high school. But I have spent a lot of time writing and a lot of time trying to learn and improve my craft. I think that trial and error can be one of the best teachers.

So I would like to share with anyone who is willing to listen the lessons I have learned -- and am still learning -- about writing.

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