Thursday, February 18, 2016

Review of the Great Gatsby - Is this old classic about American history?

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is the story of a rich man pursuing the woman he has loved since his youth. Jay Gatsby, extravagant and disillusioned by World War I, dreams of recovering desires from his past and employs the help of Nick Carraway, his next door neighbor. However, while the novel appears to be a romantic tragedy, it is packed with a plethora of hidden meanings and symbolism. Matthew Bruccoli suggests The Great Gatsby is about American history, and I believe that, in many ways, that is true, from the setting of the story to the metaphors in the writing.

The early 1920s was a time of disillusionment and excess. After World War I, the new generation was desperate to cope with the traumas of their experiences. This led to a time of corruption, encouraging people to run after their desires without thought to the consequences. An example of this is Gatsby's huge mansion and the manifestations of his wealth. The parties he held on Saturday nights are a good example of the extravagance and waste of the age. Both Nick and Gatsby had fought in World War I, and throughout the story, we see Nick's resulting cynicism and Gatsby's decadence. There is also a clear picture of the industrialism of the age. Parts of the story are set in the Valley of Ashes, which was a long stretch of desolate land created by the dumping of industrial ashes. This was the setting for Wilson and Myrtle's home, creating their dismal mindsets.

World War I also resulted in the decline of the American dream. Before, that dream had been a very pure ideal. It was about discovery and making your own path and creating something for yourself. Now, in a world that was obsessed with consumption, the American dream was simply the pursuit of pleasures, whether it be money, property, or enjoyment. Gatsby's parties and his pursuit of Daisy are an example of this, as are the motives and actions of the other characters in the story. It also represented the dissatisfaction of the age. In the end, no one is able to truly fulfill their greedy desires. Gatsby's dream of finally being with his true love – Daisy – was compared to the old dream of the New World and symbolized by the green light at the end of her dock. He was straining toward things that were already past, groping after dreams that had become deceptive wisps.

This story is also includes how changes in social status played out in the 1920s. There was the aristocracy, old families with old wealth, and now there were people who were making their own fortune, known as the newly rich. With the prohibition, Gatsby and many others were making fortunes through criminal activity and bootlegging. One of the reasons for Daisy's rejection of Gatsby was that he had pursued money in ways that were less than reputable. Families that were from the aristocracy often frowned on the newly rich, suspecting them as bootleggers. The aristocrats were often characterized by subtlety and sense. But they also – like Tom and Daisy Buchanan – had a certain hollowness to them. Throughout the story, Tom, Daisy and Jordan are often conveyed as being dispassionate. However, the newly rich were excessive and extravagant, but they also had heart. Gatsby, for all his flaws, has real passion and feeling throughout the story.

The Great Gatsby also represented the moral decline of the age. Between the activity in Gatsby's mansion and his pursuit of – Daisy – a married woman, we see how the characters put more emphasis on self-gratification than on truth and morality. At the end of the story, Gatsby loses Daisy and Tom loses Myrtle, the woman that he was cheating with. Gatsby, unprotected by his social status and also by his heart, is killed for a crime that he didn't commit, and Daisy, who accidentally committed the crime, is untouched. Nick, after wrapping up Gatsby's affairs, leaves Long Island, searching for a place where the excesses of the age will not affect him.

In the end, this story is about the disillusionment that was rampant in the age. It has a real grounding in history. Through the setting, the feel, and the message of the story, it conveys the history of the 1920s. The age was permeated by the aftermath of World War I, causing the world to change socially and morally. The Great Gatsby is a representation of what happens when we pursue our pleasures and desires over all else. I agree with Matthew Bruccoli's statement. This story not only teaches history, it teaches history in a way that is very tangible and deep.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Review of the new Star Wars!

Well, I know that this is late, since the Star Wars movie came out weeks and weeks ago. Life happens, though, and I felt like I wanted to mull over the story in my head for a while.

To be perfectly honest...(please don't shoot me) I am not a big fan of Star Wars. I thought that the other movies had poor writers and poor acting. Between those two issues, plus the special affects that were definitely wanting, I just don't enjoy them all that much. The only reason that I wanted to go see the new Star Wars in the first place is because I am a movie-aholic. However, when I watched it, I was very pleasantly surprised. And this is why...


First of all, I feel like the atmosphere and setting of the movie was better in every way. I think that one of the reasons why I didn't like the first movies was because it just didn't seem real to me. It was too far-fetched and abstract and poorly done that it just wouldn't come together in my mind. However, the whole story, the way it was pulled together, put something that was very tangible in my hands. The fights in space, the sandy hell that Rey lives on, the ruins from battles in previous was all very interesting and full of Easter Eggs. Even the creatures that they brought in were more real because of the way that they were handled.

I think that my favorite part of this movie was the character development. I usually don't like female characters in movies, but I LOVED Rey. The mystery of her past, the smart, hardened shell and sensitive core. I liked how they involved the story of a storm trooper who found that the fear and the death was just too much for him. Unlike from the other movies, these characters took on a life of their own...and thank goodness they weren't whiny! It was also neat how they wove old and new characters together, creating totally new scenarios and emotions to go with.

Darth Vader will always be one of my favorite bad-guys in movie history, but I thought that Kylo Ren was a good antagonist in his place. Like any good antagonist, he had layers, weaknesses, and quirks (that thing where he hits his wounds all the time? It blew my mind!). Of course, there WAS that moment where he took of the mask and you realized that instead of a Tom Hiddleson type, you ended up with one of the most goofy looking men in the universe. Literally. Should I stop?

The plotline itself was probably the weaker part of the story. While I liked how the movie remained true to its history, sometimes I thought that it was a little too loyal to a flawed storyline. I mean, really... How many times are they going to leave a weakness on the outside of their most recent Deathstar. Really? And they are searching for Luke Skywalker? Because.....why? I just didn't think that "He will restore balance to the force" was enough of an explanation. I mean, there wasn't much peace when he was around in the first place. I don't know. It just didn't do it for me.

Other than that, I really loved the twists and turns that the story took, the fight against cowardice, the past, and rejection. Rey discovering that she is able to use the force, Kylo Ren's struggle between the Dark Side and good. I really feel like this movie was Star Wars 2.0. I am very excited for the next one to come out. And while I am disappointed in the choice of actor to play the antagonist, I can't wait to see what role he plays in the end.

Well, this ended up being more of a rant than a review, but I hope that you enjoy it. Thank you for reading this! If you enjoyed the movie, comment below and let me know what you liked about it! If you didn't, I would love to know why!