Thursday, April 9, 2015


Hey there! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but between school and driver's ed, my time has been kind of booked up. Last month, I had the pleasure of going to the Wordcrafters conference in Eugene, Oregon. I strongly recommend that you look them up. I had amazing opportunities to connect with other writers, and I got to meet people like Kevin O'Brien, Gail Tsukiyama, and Eric Whitchey. I even had the opportunity to have some of these people look at the first few pages of my book and give me input.

I learned a lot that I'll probably post about later, but one of the biggest things that was imprinted in my mind was the need for writers to write.

Well, duh! That's obvious!

Yes, but sometimes it's not quite that simple a concept. Sometimes we get bogged down or discouraged, and we don't think that our work is any good. We forget to take off our editing hat when we are writing the first draft, and we just feel like scrapping it. Maybe you're trying to send your book to a publisher and you've got a rejection. I think the thing that makes a writer a writer is the ability to take those rejections and move on. To keep writing even when they think that they are failures. To never give up on themselves.

Kevin O'Brien, a New York Times Bestselling author, got seventy-five rejections before his first book was published! Seventy-five!

I don't know about you, but that gave me a lot of comfort. Just because a publisher isn't interested in your work now doesn't mean that they won't be later. So keep writing!

You Should Be Writing

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